Statistical Physics For Electrical Engineering
- Kinetic Theory And The Maxwell Distribution
- The Statistical Nature Of The Ideal Gas
- Collisions
- Dynamical Aspects
- Further reading recommended
- references
- Basic Statistical Physics
- basic assumptions
- stat teams
- Microcanonical Team
- Canonical team Grand Canon Ensemble
- and Team Gibbs
- Suggestions for further reading
- bibliography
- Quantum Statistics – Fermi-Dirac distribution
- Statistical Physics for Electrical Engineering Free PDF
- Combinatorial derivation of the Fd statistic Excellent stats Canon Team
- Fd
- Fermi energy
- useful approximations of the Fermi integrals
- Fd distribution app
- electrons in a solid
- Thermoelectric Emission
- photoelectric emission
- Suggestions for further reading
- references
- Quantum Statistics – Bose-Einstein Distribution
- Combinatorial derivation of the Be statistic
- Derivation using a grand canonical set
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- black body radiation
- Suggestions for further reading
- systems of interacting particles and phase transitions
- Introduction – Sources of Interaction
- models of interacting particles
- A qualitative discussion of phase transitions
- Statistical Physics for Electrical Engineering Free PDF
- One-dimensional Ising model
- Curie-Weiss model
- rotating glasses
- Suggestions for further reading
- references
- Vibrations in a solid: phonons and heat capacity
- Entrance Form
- Heat Capacity Analysis
- Einstein’s theory
- Debye theory
- Further reading recommended
- references
- fluctuations, stochastic dynamics, and noise
- Elements of the Theory of Fluctuation
- Brownian motion and Langevin equation
- Diffusion and Fokker-Planck equation
- The theorem of fluctuation and diffusion
- Johnson-Nyquist noise in the quantum mechanical domain
- Statistical Physics for Electrical Engineering Free PDF
- Other sources of noise
- Further reading recommended
- references
- A brief overview of information theory
- Introduction – What is Information Theory?
- Entropy in information theory and statistical physics
- Statistical Physics of Optimal Message Distribution
- Suggestions for further reading
Download Neri Merhav’s free e-book, Statistical Physics for Electrical Engineering, in PDF format, available at